拝啓 平素は特定非営利活動法人 ACA の活動に格別のご支援を賜り厚く御礼を申し上げます。
ゆうちょ銀行 : 記号 10160 番号 94407961 トクヒ)エーシーエー
特定非営利活動法人 ACA
第二次世界大戦で敗れた日本を救ったのは1951 年 9 月、サンフランシスコ講和で、日本と闘った国々は多額の賠償を求め、アメリカ・ソ連・中国・イギリスによる分割統治案も出されました。
高齢化が進む日本の最大の問題点は働き手不足でしょう。農業を始め、小売業、外食産業、運送業、建設業からホテルなどのサービス業に至るまで、雇用に頭を抱えるオーナーをよく見かけます。外国人の雇用に頼らざるを得ない現状ですが、彼らへの教育が徹底せず、マナーや突然 の失踪など問題も多いのです。それから、国際結婚の末、文化の違いから離婚に至り、生活に窮する外国人も急増しています。
代表理事 黒木 天彦
Japans aging and shrinking population is causing labor shortages that should be helping workers win higher pay, But its now working out that way in part because of low productivity in the areas of the greatest shortage. Labor intensive sectors like hotels, restaurant and elderly care are suffering from the biggest labor shortage.
The Japanese government does not issue work visa for unskilled jobs although many such jobs remain unfilled and the labor shortage. The surge in the number of foreign interns and students, working in Japan indicates that those people filling the gap.
While an increased number of Japanese businesses are expressing interest in hiring foreign workers, the current regulation place limits on the number of interns allowed in and their length of stay. Some are for a debate in long term labor and other issues concerning foreign workers given Japans economic situation.
Although it is necessary to rely on foreigners for employment, education for them is not enough, many problems such as manners and cultural differences. Foreign women married to Japanese men could also suffer un intended consequence to prevent marriages of convenience by foreigners seeking to obtain a work permit, The revised law prescribed that foreign spouses of Japanese nationals deprived of their residents status as they live apart otherwise fail to meet the requirements for marriage.
In addition, people in Southeast Asia has increased population, the average age is also rapidly growing, However many poor countries are still seen, and the best answer for this problem is to improve the education and the degree of civilization by introducing Japans advanced economic system to the world.
Despite the fact that foreign residents in JAPAN are full of talented personnel, there are circumstances that they do not go to the necessary places due to lack of support from the government.
Many foreigners will visit the 2020 Olympics Games. The Japanese must also deal the visitors introduced the Japanese Culture and the success of the events depends on contribution of everyone. The participation of different country. The highest possible standards of spectacle, hospitality and class that visitors to JAPAN have come to expect have been well documented and most opportunities for foreigners in Japan these kind of jobs are the sort where english interpreters is the highest priority and have the ability to communicate in Japanese.
Therefore the ACA was founded to aim the education who focuses on culture, language training ,3S (Sports, Society, Stage) and some practical training by the industry to enhance the skills , knowledge and attitude of the trainees or interns.
NPO-ACA Chairman
ACAのオリジナル楽曲「Pangako sa Hinaharap 〜未来への約束〜」のミュージックビデオが完成しました。レコーディングに向けて熱心に練習する様子や、打合せの様子など楽しみながら和気あいあいとした雰囲気が見られます。ぜひご覧ください。
アジア圏の中でも取り分け「陽気で歌好き」なフィリピンからの研修生、実習生たちと歌を通してコミュニケーションを取り、そして触れ合う中で彼らの抱えている問題を感じ、解決へのアドバイスへ導くためにacaのオリジナル・ソングを制作いたしました。 歌詞はタガログ語×日本語で、音楽は誰でもが一緒に歌えるスタンダードを目指しました。上手さを求めるのではなく「みんなで楽しく!」がテーマの“Pangako sa hinaharap=未来への約束”というタイトルの楽曲です。
近日中に完成したミュージックビデオをUPいたしますので、関心を持たれた企業ご担当者様は是非ご連絡をお願いいたします。 必要に応じ、活用方法等をご案内させて頂きます。
“Communication by the power of music”
Even in the Asian region, we have to communicate with trainees and practitioners from the Philippines who are “cheerful and singing” among themselves, to communicate through songs, to feel their problems in touch with each other, and to guide advice for solutions aca I made the original song of. The lyrics are Tagalog x Japanese, and the music aimed at the standard that anyone can sing along. It is a song titled “Pangako sa hinaharap = a promise to the future” instead of asking for skill, “The fun with everyone!” We will do UP MV completed soon, so please contact the company with interest Please contact us. We will show you how to use etc. as necessary.
A growing mood to welcome foreign visitors with the spirit of “omotenashi”(hospitality)hundreds of students are already seeking opportunities and preparing themselves to provide linguistic support as interpreters or tourist guides in any globalization opportunity. Manners are very different among countries depending in religions and cultures. It would be ideal to be able to understand others and at the same time be able to offer good “omotenashi”
Aiming to attract 40 million annual inbound tourist in 2020, Japan hopes to overcome a language and cultural gap of similar proportions within the next three years.
People of the society share aspect of their culture, such as language beliefs, values, behavior and material object that constitute a people’s way of life. The sports in Japan is heavily influenced and art with a heavy ground emphasis.
SOCIET, SPORTS, STAGE (3S) as a triangle factor thinking that it is important as part of the communication in recreational time of sharing.
1st step is mental care
Japan faced, urgent response task “Human resources shortage” After 2019, a large number of young people come to Japan from Asia to Japan as trainees, interns, and will provide energy in various industries. Each company on the receiving side is currently being chased by its countermeasures and environmental improvement. As a first step of activity, aca will work on “mental care” of trainees and apprentices who come to Japan. Culture and environment change, much less various expressions There are confronting the difficulty of communication in Japanese, I think that it is best to correspond before you run into unexpected behavior from stress.
Therefore, aca Vice Chairman Tony Masuoka (living in the Philippines), acknowledging the “mental care system” based on the familiar Philippine popularity quality, which is familiar in particular, in the know-how that young people themselves are sending young people to Japan aca We will set it up in. Of course, we will continue to build systems schemes while cooperating with Philippine officials who have consulted aca on various subjects, and with their efforts. Regarding this system, I am planning to upgrade my progress to acaHP from time to time.
ー 団体概要 ー
名称:Asian Conclusion and Action
代表理事 | 黒木天彦 元黒木三郎法律事務所秘書 |
理 事 | ロバート・クルーズ バーロバート代表 |
理 事 | 山崎亜紀子 Zephyr代表 |
監 事 | 土井エジソン Fut Bola代表 |
顧 問 | 豊岡俊彦 元財務省 |
顧 問 | 橋本貞夫 元ソニー本社営業本部長 |
設 立 | 2018年4月6日 |
事業内容 | 日本語教育、各種イベント企画制作、国際ツアー企画など |
所在地 | 東京都国分寺市内藤2-7-31 |
電話番号 | 03-6380-0388 |
FAX番号 | 03-6380-0399 |
info@npoaca.com | |
H P | http://npoaca.com |
Community Radio番組 | https://npoaca.com/radio/index.html |
ゆうちょ銀行 : 記号10160 番号94407961 トクヒ)エーシーエー
多摩信用金庫 : 国立支店 普通口座 3948022 トクヒ)エーシーエー